The easiest way to escape from an overrated criticism is to ignore it completely. That is, if it is overrated and unjustified, the argument needs to be ended in such a way that the ‘arguer’ is satisfied. And that happens only when the ‘arguee’ is quiet. That’s right; don’t say a word and all is solved! It is an art, but can be developed over continuous practice. A method that begins with visualizing the words coming out of the arguer’s mouth and before it reaches your ears (the gateway to your brain); you need to imaginarily shut them – tightly. That’s all you need to do. Now relax and without concentrating on the voice, visualize the words bouncing away from your ears and disappearing into a void! Aahh!! Pure bliss!! Some experts even manage a smile at this point!
When you know that what you’re doing is right, there’s absolutely no need to take a critic’s words seriously, cry over it and get depressed. It’s not worth it. Do what you do best and ignore the rest.